Cleaning Up Coasts and Estuaries


Keep a watch
Many inshore pollution incidents are the results of illegal dumping. Water belongs to all of us: reporting offenders help to prevent them repeating their actions.

Boycott polluters
A number of household products particularly paint and plastics can cause severe water pollution during manufacture. Although pollution may be within legal levels, it does not have to happen at all. It can be stopped by consumers boycotting persistent polluters.

Prevent pollution afloat
To protect the marine environment, boat-owners should dispose of rubbish on land. We do not have a right to pass on our rubbish to marine life.

Action on sewage
If you live in an area where sewage is disposed of by dumping it at sea, let the authorities in charge of waste disposal know that they should use land-based methods of disposal instead.

Do not use anti-fouling paints
These toxic paints, which are used to prevent encrustation of boat hulls, kill shellfish not only on boats but also around them. Responsible boat-owners should not use them.

Watch out for plastic hazards
Clear plastic is particularly dangerous to aquatic animals because it is invisible underwater. Fishing lines and the plastic retainers from packs of cans can strangle birds and seals. Picking it up will prevent this happening.


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